It's Not Them, It's You

You've hit a slump. You post to social media and, crickets. You post to your blog, no new readers. You haven't had new client inquiries in months. Your pipeline is looking a little scarce and it's starting to weigh on you.

First, resist the urge to go down the self-doubt rabbit hole. You are capable, intelligent, and worthy of all the success and abundance life has to offer. But this isn't that kind of blog post. You're amazing and wonderful, definitely, but this is the kind of blog post to tell you that you need to make some changes, and we're going to tell you where to start.

So what's happened? Why the dry spell? Well, chances are nothing has changed, literally:

1. Have you evolved with your market? When is the last time you validated your service offerings? Does the person you're trying to serve find value in what you're offering? Can they get it better somewhere else? If your people aren't banging down your door, you may need to calibrate your services to meet the market you're trying to serve.

2. Does your brand doesn't match your value? Your brand dictates how your market feels about you. Your brand dictates what you can charge for your services, and establishes your credibility. It sets the expectation for the relationship that they may or may not engage in. Your brand is more than a color palate and a selection of fonts. It will make or break your business. Does your brand adequately, no, proudly reflect the value and service you bring to the world?

3. You're set up for short term wins, not long-term growth. Perhaps unknowingly, you've marketed yourself to make a quick sale. Bernadette Jiwa writes that we should focus on how we're aimed, rather that on the target. What story are you telling and to whom are you telling them? Are you set up to make a sale or are you postured for long-term growth.

4. They have nowhere to go: When you find someone on Instagram that resonates with you, you want to know more. You want to know their background, their credibility, their story. You may click the link in their profile to visit their website. Maybe you read their blog or listen to their podcast. Then, if they've really appealed to you, you trade your beloved email address for the content they've reserved just for you. From your customer's perspective, where do they go to find out more about you? Once they've become aware of you, how do you move them through the journey you want them to go on? How will they become part of your story, your tribe?

If you've hit a slump, fear not. There are plenty of ways to freshen up and get motivated. Hit up a networking event. Hire a marketing partner. Get professional coach. Get some perspective on your business and make the necessary changes to move forward.

Remember, what got you to this point in your business won't get you to your next chapter.

The bottom line is that you don't get to dictate the value of the service you provide, your customer does. Ensure you're set up to showcase all of the value you have to offer, because it's incredible.

(Also, I highly recommend any of Bernadette Jiwa's books, especially Difference)

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